Monday 10 August 2009

Job Search Mockery

(Image: blogjob)

Remembering this is the new positive me, can I just say that while I'm chasing dreams, people in the recruitment world are stomping on them - seriously!!!! These people aren't trying to assist me in my task to be the best at all. Cor blimey!

Even though I have career plans beyond the norm, I've been turfed from a couple of jobs via post and email today, that I didn't really want in the first place! All I was trying to do is make some lose change while I'm free, and all I've been met by is mockery. I find it all a bit shocking really. It's like my blessed name has been black listed or something!

In fact, I'm starting to think it must be one of two things which is blocking my success. I am either over - qualified or I'm under qualified, and I refuse to believe it's the lata, so therefore can someone tell me what's going on? And before you say it, the Recession is no longer a excuse! Sorry! I've seen my job out there but people aren't giving me a chance...

Don't worry about me though, I'm just going to keep on, keeping on because that's all I can do - short of turning into a fat pork chop without a penny to her name.

Needless to say, "I'm just a girl... looking for a job, to love her..."

If anyone knows where the inspiration for the above quote comes from, I will give them a whole £1 - DON'T ALL RUN AT ONCE!!!!!!


Unknown said...

The quote is inspired from Notting Hill. Kinda embarrassed I know that... You can keep the pound. Hope you find a job soon, keep at it.

Ed H x

Unknown said...

ahh it aint personal my dear, its just business. Just keep playing, try harder and start stalking these people.
You know that old african saying 'if you don't hear, you must feel.' New day african saying ' if written communication don't work, get face-to -face.'
so get up, get out and make this happen - you can do this!


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