Tuesday 3 March 2009

Complaints about 'all black' Eastenders

(Image: Rudolph Walker (Patrick Trueman): BBC)

Can you believe there were 239 complaints about there being an all black episode of Eastenders last Tuesday.

The BBC released a statement: "It is not unusual for EastEnders to devote a whole episode to a single storyline or set of characters, and this episode was one of these occasions. This was an opportunity to explore in some depth the background and experiences of Patrick Trueman.

"Some viewers felt it was unnecessary to raise the subject of the Notting Hill race riots. These form part of the character's experience, as well as British history, and we feel it was absolutely legitimate for these characters to discuss them."

I say good on ya, BBC.It's not like Eastenders is suddenly turning into Channel 4's old favourite Desmonds. Geez!

This episode was the first of its kind and will probably be the last. What's the big deal!! Like the statement says, they dedicate episodes to a single characters every now and then, what's the difference now!Cor....

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