Wednesday 15 April 2009

You're Fired: Paula Jones

(Image: Paula Jones: BBC News)

Listen! Tonight's Apprentice had me in stitches - Paula and Noorul were an abomination -seriously.

Paula was way to flippant with the cost the product, and it was a shame because otherwise she would have been a good team leader.

But as for our Noorul Choudhury, the poor bloke should have been told to kick rocks - straight! He didn't have a back bone in his body, nor did he know what the hell he was doing, and should count himself lucky, he had a team like he did. Even Margret (Sir Alan's right hand woman) was ready to ship him.

Noorul says: "I have always been ambitious and driven and I've got the capabilities to deliver. I am not all talk... I can manage a team of people, total strangers even, because I am feisty and have attitude."

Oh get out of it Noorul!

The line of the night comes from Sir Alan: "Do you know how to calculate redundancy?" LMAO

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