Tuesday 20 January 2009

Obama: "Dust ourselves off..."

Please! A moment of silence as you press play...

'YES WE CAN, YES WE CAN, YES WE CAN...'Today marks the day the world saw Barack Obama become the first African American President of the United States of America, and I for one am H.A.P.P.Y. It's a shame my pennies weren't taking me to Washington.

The US is my not home (as yet) but i will say this... when Obama talks, the world listens with endearment. His sincerity seems almost to good to be true, but you've got to love him for his delivery!

I am not especially political but Obama makes it so easy for citizens of the US, and people around the world to feel worthy of change - a good change. Obama has given so many people hope, a new lease of life and the need to want to do more and be more.

ok! ok! I'm going to get off my soap box... really i will. But before i do, the message of today is to realise that anything is possible, so we need to "PICK OURSELVES UP, AND DUST OFF OUR SHOULDERS...", as Obama said in his inaugration speech.

Quit the lazy talk. Let's keep it moving..2009 "YES WE CAN, YES WE CAN."

OK! NOW I'm done know...Obama's got me rambling like Kanye West...lol

1 comment:

K-HART said...


Preach sister girl lol. Tis true man sky is the limit.


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