Wednesday 28 October 2009

13 yr old Blogger Takes Fashion World By Storm

(Image:Tavi Gevinson:

Tavi Gevinson describes herself as a "tiny 13 year old dork that sits inside all day." But she needn't worry about that, she'll have her own fashion line out by time she's 16 with the way she's going...

This quirky 13 year old girl has taken the fashion world by storm in the last year - not by her strut on the catwalks - but by the hysteria over her Fashion Blog.

This budding fashion icon has been showcasing her flamboyant, quirky style in such a way for all to ogle, that Tavi has even been seated on the front row of some of the most sort after fashion shows, next to none other than Vogue's, Anna Wintour - a clear indication of just how popular her blog has become.

I mean really, you have to admire her and even be a little jealous?

...and here's me just blogging away in the wilderness. Tis a shame...

(Image: Tavi Gevison: British Blog)


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